EST Reading Instructional Approaches at the Senior Secondary School Level in Yemen: A Case Study

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Lubna Ali Mohammed
Sidek H.M
Murad Abdu Saeed


With the increasing use of the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach to teaching English as a foreign language
(EFL), the Yemeni EFL secondary school curriculum has recently adopted the CLT approach. This qualitative exploratory case study aimed to examine whether or not the Yemeni English for Science and Technology (EST) senior secondary school classroom reading instruction is communicative-based instruction, as it has been labelled. The data were collected from reading classroom observations and were analysed in terms of student-teacher interaction patterns, as well as teacher and learner roles based on Richards & Rodgers’ model (2001). The coding scheme used for coding the features of the initiation response-evaluation method (IRE) and the communicative reading instructional method (CRI) was developed from previous studies. The findings showed that traditional IRE and teacher-as-director role were more extensively represented in Yemeni EST senior secondary school reading instruction than CRI. This finding contradicts the communicative label of the Yemeni English-language curriculum. The findings are discussed in terms of the alignment of the curriculum’s designation as communicative with the actual implementation of EST senior secondary school classroom reading instruction.

Keywords: communicative language teaching approach (CLT), initiation-response-evaluation approach (IREA), communicative
reading instructional approach (CRIA)


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Mohammed, L. A., H.M, S., & Saeed, M. A. (2016). EST Reading Instructional Approaches at the Senior Secondary School Level in Yemen: A Case Study. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 8(4), 224–235.


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