The leading methodology for researching ideal methods in an ESP classroom

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Amaria Fehaima


Studying ESP involves more than simply learning a collection of technical linguistic words; it is about learning how to use English in a particular situation while also including the necessary skills and language learning objectives. The current study aimed to examine the rationale for employing the translation method to teach ESP to third-year computer science students at the University of Tlemcen. This study employed a case study approach. A questionnaire was administered to ESP the teachers in the department of Science and Technology, and classroom observations on third-year students of computer science were conducted. The study's findings indicated that students pursuing third-year computer science courses at Tlemcen University experience a range of difficulties while interacting with professional resources. The proposed translation method in ESP may be incorporated and adapted as an effective technique for ESP teachers and students to improve learners’ language skills related to their academic field.

Keywords: Content-based approach; ESP Context; ESP courses; ESP Students.


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How to Cite
Fehaima, A. (2022). The leading methodology for researching ideal methods in an ESP classroom. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(3), 124–131.