Choir conductor’s qualities and basic approach to choir management

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Buent Halvasi


The common denominator for every choir is that they are managed and prepared by a conductor. The overall success of the choir depends on the conductor and his work plan. Choir’s technical effectiveness and it’s social communication is a direct result of the chemistry between the conductor and the choir. Each choir member’s education progresses and is sculpted by conductor’s skill set. The common problems can be discovered by asking the below questions.  Is the conductor-choir relationship complete?  Is conductor’s management clear and easy to understand?  Does the conductor use body language and eye contact?  Can the conductor become a leader for the choir?  Can the conductor facilitate team work?  Can the conductor turn practices into “disciplined” entertainment?  Does the conductor pay attention to song selection?  Can the conductor set example to the choir by his/her outfit?  Can the conductor play and use the piano well enough? Conductors who are aware of the choir-audience-conductor triangle conduct fruitful practices based on improving the relations in between this triangle. Conductor shapes the choir, choir affect the audience and in return audience affect the choir by their feedback and the choir affects the conductor. This cycle can serve to produce successful performances. Conductor should give importance to principles of voice education while improving himself. Success of conductors who can get across the technical aspects of a piece to the choir is inevitable. Conductors who pay attention to the singing techniques will be making good use of education time. Ability to play the piano and a good analysis knowledge are complementary to the process. The success of conductors who can accompany their choir is obvious. Conductor should look plain but aesthetic, easy to follow but impressive. A good conductor should be able to lead the choir making use of psychological and sociological elements. The conductor should plan the time and aim for the basic harmony of the choir. Conductor should facilitate team work. At all times the conductor should act equal and just maintaining trust in the choir. In conclusion, successful conductors are the ones who can use their voices effectively, who can accompany the choir with the piano well, who act with justice and maintain trush within the choir, who can set an example with his/her outfit.

Keywords: conducting, choir, communication


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How to Cite
Halvasi, B. (2017). Choir conductor’s qualities and basic approach to choir management. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 3(4), 158–166.