The effectiveness of question student method in social studies learning on activity and learning outcomes

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Nurizky Handayani
Suranto Aw
Zamroni Zamroni
Johan Setiawan
Muhammad Rijal Fadli


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the question students have a method in social studies learning to increase student activity and learning outcomes. This research uses quantitative methods. The population included seventh-grade students at junior high school in Yogyakarta, with a sample of 122. The sampling techniques cluster random sampling, while data collection used observations, interviews, and instruments. Data analysis used an independent sample t-test and an N-gain score test to determine student activity and learning outcomes. The results showed that the question student has a method in social studies learning was able to increase student activity and learning outcomes compared to conventional classes, based on the independent sample t-test test, and the N-gain score test was included in the medium category. The questions students have a method, have a very significant impact, thus making social studies learning more quality.

Keywords: Activity; learning methods; learning outcomes; questions students have; social science. 


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How to Cite
Handayani, N., Aw, S., Zamroni, Z., Setiawan, J., & Fadli, M. R. (2023). The effectiveness of question student method in social studies learning on activity and learning outcomes. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 10(1), 26–36.