Determination of preservice special education teachers’ views on early childhood intervention

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Basak Baglama
Mukaddes Sakalli Demirok


Experiences in early childhood have a great influence on a child's physical and mental development. Early childhood interventions are widely accepted as an effective way to prevent learning difficulties and to promote healthy development for children with special needs. For this reason, it is important for teachers who will work with children with special needs or children who are at risk to have sufficient knowledge about early childhood intervention and be competent in this area. Therefore, the present study aims to determine the views of preservice special education teachers about early childhood intervention. This study used quantitative research method and a questionnaire form was used to collect the data. The results are discussed in detail with reference to relevant literature. Implications and recommendations for further research are also provided in order to improve the quality of education policies, programs and practices related with early childhood intervention and increase awareness and knowledge related with early childhood interventions among teacher candidates.        


Keywords: Early childhood, early intervention, preservice special education teachers, views.



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How to Cite
Baglama, B., & Demirok, M. S. (2021). Determination of preservice special education teachers’ views on early childhood intervention. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(4), 213–222. (Original work published December 29, 2016)