Message from the Editor in Chief

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Tulay Bozkurt


Dear reader,

We are delighted to publish Volume 10, Number 1 of the Global Journal of Psychology Research: New Trends and Issues. This journal has proven to be very useful over the years for researchers, teaching practitioners, psychologists, and readers from various walks of life. This issue aimed to present articles that cover issues related to family and personal life’s influence on other aspects of a student’s life, especially academic achievements.

Considering the aim of this publication, seven articles were selected from the total number of submissions. The selected papers represented topics from Cyprus, Romania, Zimbabwe, Eritrea,  Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Turkey. The selected topics include the following: Father absence and sexual partner preference amongst women in Masvingo urban, Zimbabwe; Counselling approaches used in solving students’ disciplinary problems in secondary schools in Keren sub-zone, Anseba region, Eritrea; A meta-review on parent training and therapies studies; The Examination of hope, intolerance of uncertainty and resilience levels in parents having disabled children; Short-term media effects include the alterations of sensitivity towards the real violence from the past; Gelotophobia and indicators of subclinical cardiovascular symptoms amongst healthy subjects; Curiosity and subjective well-being: The mediation of the big five personality traits.

This publication has been possible as a result of the contribution of the researchers who shared their research with us, the publishing team, and our readers. We would therefore like to extend our gratitude to all our contributors. Dear reader, enjoy reading !!

Best Regards,

Prof. Dr. Tulay Bozkurt

Editor in chief.


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How to Cite
Bozkurt, T. . (2020). Message from the Editor in Chief. Global Journal of Psychology Research: New Trends and Issues, 10(1). Retrieved from