Middle School Advisory: Students' Perceptions of Its Effectiveness

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The purpose of this study was to determine if an advisory program that is being implemented in a Central Illinois Junior High School is beneficial in meeting the needs of a school’s student population. Studies have shown that advisory programs help students socially and academically, and are critical in the development of adolescents. Literature supports advisory time in that it gives students an adult to connect to and creates a sense of belongingness. A mixed method survey consisting of Likert scale questions, open-ended questions, and multiple choice questions was electronically distributed to the student population after advisory lessons. Data was analyzed by specifically exploring the descriptive statistics. The findings in this study showed students reported the advisory program as effective, necessary, and often provide topics they could relate to.

Keywords: Middle School, Advisory Programs, Adolescents development, perception of effectiveness, social and academic development


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Middle School Advisory: Students’ Perceptions of Its Effectiveness. (2015). International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 7(1), 01–14. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijlt.v7i1.5


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