Unleash the untaught mathematics competencies through online, shareable and offline video lectures

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Sherwin Batilantes


The study aimed to determine the benefits of project online, shareable and offline (OSO) video lectures to seventh-grade students during flipped classroom to resolve untaught mathematics competencies before the school year ended. The study employed the experimental research design, and three groups were randomly selected from the seventh-grade population as respondents. These three groups underwent pre-test and post-test during and after the intervention using the verified and quality-assured test questionnaires by an expert panel of evaluators. The study’s findings revealed that learners’ test scores differed significantly among the three groups based on one-way analysis of variance. However, the Tukey post-hoc test showed that the flipped online group differed substantially from the flipped shareable and offline groups. Consequently, project OSO was considered a valuable resource in the flipped classroom and is highly recommended for instructing learners when the teacher is out due to school-related functions among the three video lectures’ platforms.

Keywords: Ancillary service, flipped classroom, mathematics education, project OSO, unattained competencies;


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How to Cite
Batilantes, S. (2022). Unleash the untaught mathematics competencies through online, shareable and offline video lectures. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14(2), 70–85. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijlt.v14i2.6624
Author Biography

Sherwin Batilantes, DepEd Malay National High School, Malay, Philippines

Sherwin P. Batilantes is a Master Teacher 1 at Malay National High School in Motag, Malay, Aklan, where he teaches Mathematics in grades 7 to 10. His outstanding achievements as an educator were very apparently remarkable. In 2018, he received an award as one of Aklan's Ten Outstanding Mentors, Best Adviser in Division Mathematics Investigation in 2017, 2021 District Outstanding Researcher, and District Outstanding Master Teacher for Secondary in 2021.

Mr. Batilantes is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Science Education with a major in Mathematics at West Visayas Visayas State University – Main Campus as a Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) scholar under the Capacity Building Program in Science and Mathematics Education (CBPMSE) program.

Moreover, he is a researcher who focuses on instructional technology education, distance education, mathematics support instructional materials, social justice (Ecojustice), and social works. He was a recipient of the DepEd Region VI – Western Visayas Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) in 2019. He presented his study at the district, division, regional, national, and international levels, where he received awards for Best Research Paper and Best Research Presentation. He also published his research articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals at no expense. And he became a resource speaker in mathematics and research-related training and seminars ranging from the school to the regional level.