Pre-service English teachers’ sense of efficacy with regard to gender and academic GPA

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Ulviye Keten



This study aims to find out in what ways pre-service English language teachers feel efficient in teaching and it seeks for whether there is a relationship between self-efficacy of the pre-service teachers and their academic grades, taking into consideration the gender as well. The sample group for this research involves 44 senior students who study at a state university. In order to gather data, the Turkish version of the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale is used. This questionnaire includes three underlying groups: efficacy for student engagement; efficacy for instructional strategies; and efficacy for classroom management. Independent samples t-test and correlation analyses are run in order to analysis the data. Significant differences can be observed in two categories of the questionnaire between the genders unlike the results of the correlation analyses between the efficacy beliefs of pre-service teachers and their grand point average.

Keywords: Classroom management, management strategies, efficacy beliefs, teachers’ sense of efficacy;


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How to Cite
Keten , U. (2022). Pre-service English teachers’ sense of efficacy with regard to gender and academic GPA. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14(2), 86–94.