Increasing effective students’ engagement in study

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Gabriela Kelemen


The study stresses out the interest that pedagogy specialist’s show towards education and mostly tries to find proper
methods to improve pre-service teacher training. A career in teaching and education has become unattractive for new
generations of graduates and we will point out the reasons that led to a low interest for this career: the low social value of teaching profession, low income and lack of students’ interest for learning. More and more specialists draw attention to the fact that education and educational institutions are in a serious crisis. It is a warning for both theoreticians and practitioners. We believe that education is more than a science; it also contains elements of art because it involves judgements, feelings and values. It is necessary for the future teachers to be aware of the role and importance of metacognitive self-training in becoming good professionals.

Keywords: Didactic carrier, formation, study, improving formation, metacognition, empiric research.


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How to Cite
Kelemen, G. (2018). Increasing effective students’ engagement in study. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 10(3), 261–268.