Comparing competitive team-based learning with other instructional methods and approaches

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Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini


Having introduced Competitive Team-Based Learning (CTBL), this paper presents a cogent and critical analysis and comparison of CTBL with other popular methods and approaches in the arena of Education in general and Language Teaching in particular, in terms of their distinguishing features and characteristics. Among such methods and approaches are Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Collaborative Learning (ColL), Interactive Learning (IntL), and Cooperative Learning (CL)/methods which are appreciated particularly in the U.S. and in the West. A synthesis of the distinguishing drawbacks of the comparison methods and approaches is considered in this article. The article also explicates how CTBL, this researcher’s educational innovation, which has been formulated based on his edu-political theories in the last analysis, is an approach to human security and prosperity, and world peace. This article would contribute to making a sound decision on implementing CTBL in the arena of Language Teaching/Education for the ultimate goal of peace-making and more compassionate civilization building.

Keywords: Competitive team-based learning; edu-political theories; interactive learning; cooperative learning; collaborative learning


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How to Cite
Hosseini, S. M. H. (2023). Comparing competitive team-based learning with other instructional methods and approaches. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 15(2), 79–95.