Perpetuating inclusive education amidst the affiliative leadership style: Challenges and potentials

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Louiza Belaid


It has been advanced that an instructor who assimilates the affiliated values and beliefs will steadily prepare learners as individuals and respect learners’ needs and preferences. This research examines how the affiliative leadership style affects learners' inclusion in foreign language instruction. Students’ classroom integration is demanding; therefore, understanding their basic needs, and showing empathy and interest to aid them transcend their frailties and improve their performance are persistent traits of affiliative leaders that should be implemented to achieve the aforementioned aim. This study used an experimental method to analyze how the application of affiliative leadership style in class affects learners. As such the aforementioned style was applied as a teaching skill with third-year students at the university. Based on the results, it was concluded that the effectual applicability of this approach at university has created personal connections and has sustained, as well, a peaceful learning environment besides a positive teacher-learner positive rapport.

Keywords: Achievement; affiliative leadership style; students’ inclusion; resilience.


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How to Cite
Belaid, L. (2023). Perpetuating inclusive education amidst the affiliative leadership style: Challenges and potentials. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 15(2), 110–120.