The effect of using Quizlet in improving critical thinking skills for fifth-grade students at SDN Sayabulu

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Estiana Parlina
Ajo Sutarjo
Muhammad Hanif


This research was conducted to see the effect of Quizlet on the critical thinking skills of fifth graders at SDN Sayabulu. Initially, the researchers interviewed the homeroom teacher and one of the fifth-grade students of SDN Sayabulu where the teacher's learning process was more often taught using conventional methods with the help of book media; students' interest in learning can be reduced because one of the media is less varied. From the interview result, researchers used alternative learning media Quizlet with flashcards, test, and write features so that students could understand, analyze, identify, and evaluate questions. Researchers used a quantitative method in the form of a one-group pre-test and post-test to compare the critical thinking of fifth-grade students at SDN Sayabulu before and after treatment with Quizlet in one group or class. The results of the study using Quizlet for learning media showed a significant increase; this was in the calculation of the paired sample t-test with the results of the significant value, meaning that the learning media was accepted, and Quizlet improved critical thinking of students' class V SDN Sayabulu. 

Keywords: Critical thinking; learning media; Quizlet



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How to Cite
Parlina, E., Sutarjo , A. ., & Hanif , M. . (2024). The effect of using Quizlet in improving critical thinking skills for fifth-grade students at SDN Sayabulu. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 16(3), 157–167.