Flipped Classroom Approach

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Flipped classroom is an active, student-centered approach that was formed to increase the quality of period within class. Generally this approach whose applications are done mostly in Physical Sciences, also attracts the attention of educators and researchers in different disciplines recently. Flipped classroom learning which wide-spreads rapidly in the world, is not well recognized in our country. That is why the aim of study is to attract attention to its potential in education field and provide to make it recognize more by educators and researchers. With this aim, in the study what flipped classroom approach is, flipped classroom technology models, its advantages and limitations were explained.


Keywords: Flipped learning, flipped classroom, new approaches


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How to Cite
Flipped Classroom Approach. (2016). World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 8(2), 98–105. https://doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v8i2.640


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