The Partial Dictation vs. Dictogloss Effect on Listening Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners

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Bahram Mowlaie
Milad Abdolmajid
Ali Rahimi


The unique characteristics of the listening skill and the vital role they play in language learning and communication do not receive the attention they deserve and the situation is worsened in EFL contexts due to lack of communication in everyday context.  Given this, the present study was an attempt to empirically investigate if partial dictation versus dictogloss had any significant effect on listening comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. To this end, 60 male EFL learners were selected via double sampling and, after taking homogeneity test and listening pre-test, they were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (partial dictation versus dictogloss) and a control group. The first experimental group was exposed to dictogloss, while the second experimental group was exposed to partial diction. The control group underwent the mainstream usual classroom activities. After the treatment which took one hour each session for seven sessions, a listening post-test was given to all groups. The thorough analysis of data using paired sample t-test indicated that partial dictation group slightly outperformed the dictogloss group in the listening post-test and both experimental groups significantly outperformed the control group in the listening test. The result can have implications for learners, teachers, and material developers in all second and, especially, foreign language contexts where listening comprehension does not receive the attention it deserves and this, in turns, deprives EFL learners of viable sources of input. It is recommended that dictation in either partial format or dictogloss become an instructional activity in English classes because of its usefulness in improving listening comprehension and, more importantly, because of its practicality which is an important concern in many language learning contexts. 

Key words: Dictogloss; English as a Foreign Language, Listening Comprehension; Partial Dictation 


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How to Cite
Mowlaie, B., Abdolmajid, M., & Rahimi, A. (2020). The Partial Dictation vs. Dictogloss Effect on Listening Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 10(4), 224–240.

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