Features and characteristics of problem based learning

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Eser Ceker
Fezile Ozdamli


Throughout the years, there appears to be an increase in Problem Based Learning applications in education; and Problem Based Learning related research areas. The main aim of this research is to underline the fundamentals (basic elements) of Problem Based Learning, investigate the dimensions of research approached to PBL oriented areas (with a look for the latest technology supported tools of Problem Based Learning). This research showed that the most researched characteristics of PBL are; teacher and student assessments on Problem Based Learning, Variety of disciplines in which Problem Based Learning strategies were tried and success evaluated, Using Problem Based Learning alone or with other strategies (Hybrid or Mix methods), Comparing Problem Based Learning with other strategies, and new trends and tendencies in Problem Based Learning related research. Our research may help us to identify the latest trends and tendencies referred to in the published studies related to “problem based learning†areas. In this research, Science Direct and Ulakbim were used as our main database resources. The sample of this study consists of 150 articles.


Keywords: Problem based learning, literature review, new trends, technology


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How to Cite
Ceker, E., & Ozdamli, F. (2021). Features and characteristics of problem based learning. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(4), 195–202. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v11i4.1296 (Original work published December 29, 2016)