Evaluating E-learning system success in higher education during the Covid-19

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Narmin Mohammed Noori
Fezile Ozdamli


Human lives globally have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The quantitative research method was followed to assess e-learning system success from students' perspectives during the pandemic. ISS and USAT model was adopted to measure it, and a survey was used to collect 632 voluntary students. The regression analysis method presented variations between the quality of factors that anticipate user-perceived satisfaction, system use, and individual performance. While the quality factors suggested the impact of the dependent variable was (collaboration, information, service, System, IATE, DIA, LCAx, and LPIWO). In students' opinion, the study found quality factors significantly positively influence the adopted model, except for the QSer and IATE. The study outcome is expected to help academic staff and learners with further research.

Keywords: E-learning, distance education, students' opinion, DeL& McL model, USAT model


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How to Cite
Mohammed Noori , N. ., & Ozdamli, F. . (2022). Evaluating E-learning system success in higher education during the Covid-19 . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(12), 4884–4913. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v17i12.8615