Students’ interest and performance analysis in power system numerical methods: General function calculation

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Oana Pop
Constantin Barbulescu
Gabriel Turi
Antheia Deacu


Nonlinear equations are the most frequent numerical computation application occurring in scientific investigation or design activity specifically to different branches of power engineering. The objective of this study consisted of the analysis of the interest degree of students towards a specialised subject and the analysis of performance and concentration degree of students in case of solving a laboratory work during the laboratory sessions. Computer program used during laboratory sessions, ECUATIE, contains recent improvements. The first analysis presents the overall situation of student’s presences and absences during the laboratory and courses sessions. The second analysis presents the situation of marks obtained following the settlement of laboratory session. Participants are students of Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania. Participants are asked to solve an algebraic or transcendent equation, using different methods. The research found the high degree of student’s interest and also the high interest degree of students even if the calculation volume is relatively high.

Keywords: Nonlinear equations, numerical coefficients, Newton–Raphson method, false position (chord) method.


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How to Cite
Pop, O., Barbulescu, C., Turi, G., & Deacu, A. (2018). Students’ interest and performance analysis in power system numerical methods: General function calculation. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 10(4), 325–341.