How effective are recasts in teaching /θ/ and /ð/ to EFL learners?

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Maryam Karami
Laya Heidari Darani


This s tudy explored the effect of recasts as correcti ve feedback (CF) on teachi ng the sounds /θ/ and /ð/ to Iranian EFL
learners , which are absent in Persian. A group of 30 intermediate level s tudents studying English were assigned randomly to the experimental group (EG) and control group (CG). The EG was ins tructed by gi vi ng recas ts as CF; while the CG received no feedback when they were taught these sounds. I n this experimental study, two teacher-made tests on sounds /θ/ and /ð/ were administered to the parti cipants before and after the treatment. The collected da ta were anal ysed using pai red-samples t tests . Language lea rne rs in the recast group outperformed those in the CG in the pos ttes t. The resul ts showed that recast was an effective feedback type in teaching both the sounds . Findings of the present study can help language teachers and teacher trainers in teaching these complex sounds to I ranian EFL learners.

Keywords: Correcti ve feedback, errors, form-focused ins truction, recas t, sounds /ð/ and /θ/.



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How to Cite
Karami, M., & Heidari Darani, L. (2018). How effective are recasts in teaching /θ/ and /ð/ to EFL learners? . International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 10(1), 78–90.