Automotive technology students’ OJT performance: A reflection of the programme’s kind of graduates

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Ramil Bontilao Arante


The aim of this study is to evaluate the on-the-job training (OJT) performance of the automotive technology students for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 based on their appraisal ratings from partner industries. The evaluation focused on the students’ job knowledge, job attitude and interpersonal relationship as evaluated by their respective supervisors using the standardised appraisal instrument. Research objectives were achieved using the mixed method research design. It combines the quantitative approach and the documentary analysis. There were 74 student trainees involved in this study in which their respective supervisors served as the respondents. Achieving the research objectives was carried out by collecting data from their performance appraisal reports and subjecting them to statistical analysis. The findings revealed that the student trainees performed well in their OJT based on job knowledge, attitude and interpersonal relationship. The study concludes that their consistently good performance in their OJT reflects the kind of graduates they will be.

Keywords: Automotive technology, industry immersion, interpersonal relationship, job attitude, job knowledge, kind of graduates, OJT performance


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How to Cite
Arante, R. B. (2022). Automotive technology students’ OJT performance: A reflection of the programme’s kind of graduates. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14(2), 55–69.