Teachers’ perspectives on the implementation of the “No child left behind policy”: Basis for framework enhancement

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Ramil Bontilao Arante
Mylene Magarin


This study aimed to evaluate the teachers’ perspectives on the implementation of the “No Child Left Behind Policy” in the Elementary Schools in Cabadbaran City Southeast District. The researchers employed the descriptive survey design utilizing adapted and validated researcher-made questionnaires. It was administered to 108 teacher-participants who were elementary public-school teachers of South-east Cabadbaran District in the Division of Cabadbaran City. The researcher used complete enumeration in data gathering. Collected data were statistically treated and analyzed using Mean. Based on the study results, the participants’ perspectives on the implementation of the “No Child Left Behind” policy in terms of school accountability and teachers’ competency were outstanding. The implementation level was very satisfactory in terms of adequate/average yearly progress, student academic performance, teachers’ level of awareness, and workload under this policy. This finding means that the teacher-participants believed this program needed no improvement in its implementation.

Keywords: No child left behind policy, school accountability, teachers’ awareness, teachers’ perspectives, teachers’ workload;


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How to Cite
Arante, R. B., & Magarin, M. (2023). Teachers’ perspectives on the implementation of the “No child left behind policy”: Basis for framework enhancement. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 15(2), 64–78. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijlt.v15i2.8752