Training of future primary teachers for innovation in the context of the updated content of education

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Zhazira Stambekova
Aziya Zhumabayeva
Uaidullakyzy Elmira
Kaziyev Karas
Ablyazimova Nurzhamal
Ainagul Ryskulova


In this information age, it is seen that the limitation of education and training, with space and time have started to be discussed and alternative methods and approaches have been suggested for students. The general purpose of this study is to plan the training of future primary school teachers in e-learning environments within the current education. 380 volunteer primary school teachers who continue to teach in Kazakhstan participated in the research in the spring term of 2020-2021. Scanning method was used in the research. General opinion measurement tool for e-learning, which was developed by the researchers was used. The collected data were analyzed using a spss program. One Way Anova and T-test were applied to analyze the data obtained from the e-learning measurement tool. According to the results of the research,  primary school teachers had high e-learning levels. There was no difference in e-learning levels according to their professional seniority.

Keywords: Primary School ,Teacher, E-Learning, Distance Education,Training


Article Details

How to Cite
Stambekova, Z., Zhumabayeva, A. ., Elmira, U. ., Karas, K. ., Nurzhamal, A. ., & Ryskulova, A. . (2021). Training of future primary teachers for innovation in the context of the updated content of education. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 13(4), 967–979.
Author Biographies

Zhazira Stambekova, Pedagogics and teaching method of primary training» Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,  Almaty, Kazakhstan.


* ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Zhazira Stambekovaa a [1], Pedagogics and teaching method of primary training» Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Dostyk аve.13, 050010, Almaty, Kazakhstan

   E-mail address:

Ablyazimova Nurzhamal, M,.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Address: 5, Tauke Khan Avenue, Shymkent city, Kazakhstan


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