Message from Editor

Main Article Content

Jesus Laborda Garcia


Dear Readers,
It is a great honor for us to publish 8th volume, 4th issue of Global Journal of Foreign Language
Teaching (GJFLT).
Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (GJFLT) welcomes original empirical investigations and
comprehensive literature review articles focusing on foreign language teaching and topics related to
linguistics. The journal is an international journal published quarterly and it is a platform for
presenting and discussing the emerging developments in foreign language teaching in an
international arena.
A total number of eleven (11) manuscripts were submitted for this issue and each paper has been
subjected to double-blind peer review process by the reviewers specialized in the related field. At the
end of the review process, a total number of five (5) high quality research papers were selected and
accepted for publication.
Aim of this issue is to give the researchers an opportunity to share the results of their academic
studies. There are different research topics discussed in the articles. For example, Seyedeh
Maryam Mousavi, Laya Heidari Darani, Effect of collocations on Iranian EFL learners’ writing:
Attitude in focus, Anteneh Kebede Lakew, Words: Are we really teaching them? The case of two
EFL teachers in Ethiopia, Jeannette Valencia Robles, Current perspectives of teaching English
through affective learning strategies, Özgür Çelik, A Review of Research on the Effect of the Use
of Web-based Tools on Speaking Motivation, Shahram Alipour, The Effect of Engagement in
Social Networking Application on Iranian EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate in English.
The topics of the next issue will be different. We are trying to serve you with our journal with a rich
knowledge through which different kinds of topics will be discussed in 2018 issues.
We present many thanks to all the contributors who helped us to publish this issue.
Best regards,
Prof. Jesus Laborda Garcia
Editor – in Chief


Article Details

How to Cite
Garcia, J. L. (2018). Message from Editor. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(4), I.