Design, development and evaluation of contextualised learning materials in consumer electronics

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Ramil Bontilao Arante
Mary Rose Sacay
Vivialyn Bocboc
Dainty Bianca Baisa


This study aimed to design and develop a learning material in consumer electronics servicing (LM-CES) for grade 7 technology and livelihood education (TLE) for La Union National High School, Cabadbaran City, Philippines, and to address the problem of scarcity of instructional materials. Using the developmental research design, the LM-CES followed the analysis, design, develop, implement and evaluate model. The participants of the study are limited to the teacher education students of Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus who provided essential comments and ratings of the learning material (LM) by using a given rubric and faculty members who are experts in the field due to the threat of the global pandemic. It has also undergone teaching demonstration evaluation for its content, organisation/clarity, completeness, grammar/mechanics, documentation, delivery and interaction. The overall rating from the peer evaluators was 2.99 with a descriptive rating of satisfactory or proficient. It implies that the researchers still need to enhance the lesson towards its completeness in order to attain its objectives. To further enhance LM-CES, a test run of the LM on its target end users in the actual classroom setting as well as an evaluation by some TLE teachers, who are also experts in teaching the subject, are hereby recommended.


Keywords: Contextualised, design, development, evaluation, instructional materials, learning materials.


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How to Cite
Arante, R. B., Sacay, M. R., Bocboc, V., & Baisa, D. B. (2020). Design, development and evaluation of contextualised learning materials in consumer electronics. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 153–165.