Message from the Editor in Chief

Main Article Content

Jesus Garcia Laborda


Dear readers,

Words cannot express how elated we are to publish the Volume 11, Issue 1 of the Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. This issue aims to present to our readers, some of the trending topics in foreign language teaching, learning and communication. As such, five (5) papers were selected after a careful peer review procedure.

The selected topics based on our aim included: “Over suppliance of the English simple past tense by Mandarin ESL learners”; “Examining EFL students’ pluricultural and plurilingual development during intercultural virtual exchanges between Colombia and Germany”; “Challenges in English for specific purposes: Economics students with speaking deficiencies”; “Technology in formal and informal learning environments: Student perspectives”; “The Beyond Willingness to Speak Chinese: Case of Transferring Learning Chinese into Communication among University of Ghana Students”.

We believe this informational and educational issue would be a delight to our readers. Many regards to our vigorous contributors for their massive involvement to the publication of this issue. Dear reader, enjoy reading!!

Best Regards

Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain,



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How to Cite
Laborda, J. G. (2021). Message from the Editor in Chief . Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(1). Retrieved from