Message from the Editor in Chief

Main Article Content

Jesus Garcia Laborda


Dear reader,

Thank you for showing interest in Volume 11 Number 4 of our Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. This issue aimed to contribute to academia and make recommendations on how to tackle educational issues arising after the global pandemic. However, other articles were selected that cover issues that were present prior to the pandemic. Based on the aim of the issue, 5 articles were selected.

The selected articles were authored by researchers from Algeria, Saida Arabia, Iran, and Spain. The presented papers include The effectiveness of textual structural factors on students' reading comprehension in English language course; Communication anxiety and self-confidence among learners of English as a foreign language: The role of learning cooperatively; Intercultural communicative competence in foreign language learning; Using Gardner's multiple intelligences to develop students' notetaking techniques for literature review at foreign language teaching; Teaching beyond boundaries: Teachers as psychologists in English foreign language classrooms.

We trust that the presented papers would provide our readers with adequate information on the topics of research presented. We extend our warm arm of gratitude to all the contributors to this publication. Dear reader, enjoy reading!!


Best Regards,

Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain,



Article Details

How to Cite
Laborda, J. G. (2022). Message from the Editor in Chief. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(4). Retrieved from