Message from the Editor in chief

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Jesus Garcia Laborda


Dear Reader,

We are elated to publish Volume 12 Number 1,  February 2022 issue of our Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. This issue aimed to present practical topics of learning a foreign language and how it influences an individual’s acceptability in the global space. As such, four papers were selected and published.

These selected papers were authored by researchers from Spain and Algeria. The selected papers include the following: The incarnation of global citizenship education in an Algerian secondary education textbook; Constraints in language education during the pandemic in junior high school; A self-study of a former EFL teacher in the Algerian secondary education; Using literature to enhance language skills for EFL learners.

Dear reader, we trust that this issue presents very important topics that are essential for foreign language learning. We extend our gratitude to all the contributors to this issue. Dear reader, enjoy reading!!

Best Regards,

Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain,



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How to Cite
Laborda, J. G. (2022). Message from the Editor in chief. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(1). Retrieved from