Message from the Editor in Chief

Main Article Content

Jesus Garcia Laborda


It is our pleasure to publish the Volume 11, Number 3 of the Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. The study of various methods of teaching foreign languages has been on the rise in recent years. The current issue aims to present to our readers, some of these shifts in the methods of teaching foreign languages around the world.

After a careful peer review process, six articles were selected. The selected articles include : “The necessity of learning English in multilingual Algeria: Belhadj Bouchaib University as a case study”; “Comparative effects of partial dictation and dictogloss on listening comprehension ability of EFL learners”; “Letting students decide whether to work in pairs or individually in class”; “The perception of Nigerian students of German about serious games”: “Using ‘Secret of the Sky Disc’ as a case study”; “Cross-country comparison of foreign language curriculum in Germany, Spain and Turkey”.  The authors of these papers represent Turkey, Nigeria, Portugal, Algeria, Iran and India.

We trust this publication would be beneficial to all our readers. We would therefore like to thank all our contributors who made this publication a success. Dear reader, enjoy reading!!

Best Regards,

Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain,



Article Details

How to Cite
Laborda, J. G. (2021). Message from the Editor in Chief . Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(3).