Message from the Editor in Chief

Main Article Content

Jesus Garcia Laborda


Dear reader,

We are delighted to publish Volume 11, number 2 of the Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. This issue aimed to factor in the various aspects of language teaching and learning, as well as factors that affect the process. As such, the reviewers considered aspects such as the mental health of students, the COVID-19 pandemic effects on learning, innovative methods of teaching, and culture .

With regards to the aim of this publication, six (6) papers were selected from Algeria, Iran, Portugal and United Kingdom. The selected papers include the following ;“Improving the attendance rate of students with mental disabilities in language teaching: A case study of Japanese”; “Facebook as a learning platform in Algeria during the COVID-19 pandemic”; “Portuguese as a foreign language textbooks: Framing the discourses on the teaching and learning of writing”; “Integrating culture in teaching literary texts and cultural taboos: Foreign language students’ perceptions and attitudes”; “Watching English movies and proficiency development: Advanced learners’ perceptions and strategies”; “Meeting business students’ English language needs in the Algerian tertiary education”.

We are pleased to present to our readers this high-standard publication. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the contributors of this issue. Dear reader, enjoy reading!!

Best Regards,

Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain,



Article Details

How to Cite
Laborda, J. G. (2021). Message from the Editor in Chief . Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(2).